Epipremnum pinnatum Yellow Flame No.1 is a beautiful ornamental plant with bright yellow and green variegated leaves. The details are explained below.
Growth size: Epipremnum pinnatum Yellow Flame No.1 grows like a vine and can reach a height of over 3m. The size of the leaves can be over 50 cm.
Suitable temperature: 15℃~30℃
Heat Resistance: ★★★☆☆ In temperatures exceeding 30℃, keep it in the shade.
Cold resistance: ★★☆☆☆ Weak. Be sure to grow it indoors in a warm place in winter when there is frost.
Dry resistance: ★★★★☆ Strong
Tolerance to sunlight: ★★★☆☆ Although it is resistant to sunlight, it generally grows better if placed in semi-shade.