Monstera lechleriana is a beautiful and relatively rare ornamental plant. This beautiful plant is native to Central America and is a vine that grows in the upper levels of forests. The vine is strong and pliable, and the leaves are leathery and glossy green, and when mature, they form the window-like slits that are typical of the Monstera genus.
Now let’s talk about Monstera Lecleriana.
Growth size: Grows to a height of over 3m and a leaf size of over 1m.
Suitable temperature: 15℃~30℃
Heat resistance: ★★★★☆ Strong
Cold resistance: ★☆☆☆☆ Weak. In environments where the temperature is below 10℃, grow it indoors in a bright and warm place.
Dry resistance: ★★★★☆ Strong. Watering is almost unnecessary when planted in the ground, and when planted in a pot, please water only when the surface is dry.
Resistance to sunlight: ★★★☆☆ Strong. When planting in the ground, be sure to create a semi-shaded environment. If exposed to strong direct sunlight, the area around the leaves will change color and wither and fall off.