July. 2024 「Cece Cafe」 Coming Soon! *Due to delays in kitchen construction, we have postponed the opening of Cece Cafe to July. thank you.

Philodendron Thai Sunrise

‘Philodendron Florida Beauty’ is a beautiful ornamental plant with brightly variegated cream or white leaves. I will explain about this plant below.

Growth size: As it grows like a vine, it can reach a height of over 2m. The size of the leaves is over 60 cm.

Suitable temperature: 15℃~30℃

Heat resistance: Star ★★★★☆ Strong
Cold resistance: Star ★★☆☆☆ Weak Growth may be slow in environments where the temperature is below 10℃.
Drought resistance: Star ★★★☆☆ Normal If the soil has good drainage, a lot of watering will be effective for growth.
Tolerance to sunlight: Star ★★★☆☆ Normal It grows well in a semi-shaded environment, whether indoors or outdoors.

Philodendron Thai Sunrise